Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Book Review: Creative Play for your Toddler

I've really been enjoying reading through Creative Play for your Toddler, a book of patterns and directions for making Steiner Waldorf toys for your child. I picked it up at the library (a very ecomomical idea!), and so far I'm very impressed. The book contains directions for making a Waldorf doll to encourage nurturing and role play for your toddler. It also includes directions for a doll sling, so they can babywear just like mom and dad, finger puppets, a butterfly mobile, and wind wands.

The idea behind Waldorf toys is simple - give your child simple toys to inspire their own imagination and encourage creativity and discovery. We're very fortunate to have a family who spoils my son with toys, but unfortunately, most of them don't inspire much creativity. I'm thrilled to make him some toys to promote development, and even more excited that many of these toys can be made with things I already have at home. You can also pick up Creative Play for your Baby and The Creative Family.


Katy F-H said...

I love the blog from mama soule, the creative family author!

Jenn said...

Yay, I picked up that one last night!