Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Midwife Project

I have to apologize for being an appalling lazy blogger the last few days. We got some fantastic news last Friday. Apparently, our anniversary present of babysitting from the in-laws garnered more than a night alone - we're expecting! Josh and I are thrilled and I'm already thinking up baby projects. I'm even taking up knitting, but we will see how that goes. I'll have some awesome baby accessory tutorials over the next 9 months, so stay tuned!

Anyway, I've been distracted with the task of finding a midwife. I had a C-section with my first pregnancy, don't get me started, and Josh and I have decided that we will be trying midwife-assisted homebirth for this baby. I'm in the process of writing an in-depth article on why, which I will post later. There is a lot of research going into it:) Anyway, choosing the right midwife is key to this working, so we are driving for interviews and making lots of phone calls. If you have any great advice on choosing one, we'd love to hear it.

If you are interested in midwifery and/or homebirth, check out these books and films:


1 comment:

Lara said...
