Monday, January 4, 2010

The Home Stretch: Sewing Projects for Baby

Wow, I cannot believe that this weekend I will be 30 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy is so surreal. On one hand, I feel like time has flown by and nothing is ready and on another hand, I don't remember ever not being pregnant. With only 10 weeks to go, maybe less (!), I have a lot to do. One of the many things I need to do is start sewing! I have a lot of baby stuff I need to make still. I promise to do tutorials on the ones that work out :)

The Sewing List
DIAPERS! I'll be sewing some fitteds, covers, AIOs and possibly embellishing prefolds. This is a huge project, so I am giving myself a specific timeline.
3-5 more PUL covers
2 more fleece covers
1-2 more fleece longies
wool longies if I can get my hands on some wool!

Swaddlers. Josh is a huge fan of Happiest Baby on the Block and I picked up some knit to make cute swaddlers out of. I'm going to be experimenting with different styles.


A portable play yard

And some bows! Which require no sewing, but I'm still psyched to make!

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