Sunday, January 10, 2010

Organic and Natural Grocery Deals for the week of 1/10

Whole Foods (Overland Park, MO location - check your local ad for the same sales here

Stonyfield fat-free yogurt (listed as o'soy in ad, but it's the fat-free in store!) 2/$1 + coupon in Whole Deal flyer B4G1 = 5 for $2
There are also Stonyfield coupons available at their website for 50¢ off 3.
Ground tukey breast 2.99/lb ($3 off)
Kashi Go Lean Cereal 2.99 (look for $1 peelies)
Mangoes $1
Cara Cara Oranges $1/lb (so sweet, look for a sample!)
Kettle Chips 2 for $4

Kashi Cereal 2.75 ($1/1 and $3/2 peelies on cereal boxes!) Buy 2 boxes for $1.25 ea w/ $3/2 peelie
In case your store doesn't have peelies, you can also print 75¢ coupons at
Earth's Best Organic Waffles $2.39 (Use $1/2 Sesame Street products here) also has a number of Kashi coupons for printing, I believe they are MFG and can't be combined with other Kashi coupons but if I am wrong please let me know.

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