Sunday, November 15, 2009

7 Day Forecast

In my ongoing efforts to get more organized and thus be a better, more efficient homemaker (because to be honest, I sort of suck at it), I'm attempting a new weekly post - the 7 Day Forecast.

There are three aspects to my 7 Day Forecast: Daily Projects, Weekly Menu, and Errands/Appointments. I'll only bore you with the first two.

The menu is self-explanatory, but my Daily Projects is something new. Every Saturday night I will sit down and think of 7 small projects that can be done within 15 minutes - 2 hours. Each day I will pick one project, based on my other responsibilities and chores for the day, and do it. It's going to be little things that are bugging me, the kind of things that add up until your whole house feels overwhelming and disorganized and you don't even know where to start to get it back to square one!

Daily Projects

Clean the stairs, which have accumulated an unsavory amount of crap to be taken upstairs in the last few weeks - DONE!
Rehome boxes of books in dining room
"Organize" hutch, which has become dumping ground - find way to prevent future dumping
Sort the toy box - DONE!
Finish the kids' room shelves
Organize bathroom cabinet - DONE!
Create cleaning kits for both bathrooms (all-purpose cleaner, mop, and rags) Half-done (whoops)!


Thanksgiving pot luck

Turkey Meatloaf
Baked Potatoes
Green Beans

Butternut Squash Soup
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Apple and Bleu Cheese Pizza

Shepherd's Pie

Date night


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