Saturday, April 17, 2010

Clean your fridge plan

You know the reason your fridge gets out of control and you avoid cleaning it out? Because somewhere we got the stupid idea to do it all once...yucky and time-consuming. Why not take one week a month and do it day by day? Or for the ambitious, do each task everyday (I bet it would take 5 minutes tops that way)!

1. the Door- remove all expired products, reorganize keepers and wipe down (15-20 minutes)
2. the Freezer - trash freezer burnt items, organize (meat, veggies, sweets, etc) and wipe down (15-30 minutes)
3. Shelf 1 - trash spoiled items, empty and wash out left-overs, wipe down
4. Shelf 2 - trash spoiled items, empty and wash out left-overs, wipe down
5. Shelf 3 - trash spoiled items, empty and wash out left-overs, wipe down
6. Bins - throw out bad produce and wipe down
7. Quick Inventory and meal plan for next week! (Do every week)

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